Fix Your Posture to Maximize Muscle - Bill Hartman PT CSCS, Men's Health Magazine
How can we, as coaches, use this knowledge to help improve our athletes performance? - Take pictures of the athlete in shorts from the front, back and both sides.
- Perform evaluation as the attached article indicates for each athlete and their potential issues.
Why is posture Important??
- The article in Men's Health lists many basic issues relating to posture that we all should be concerned about.
- The athlete should be concerned beyond the basic issues the article lists and focus on perfect posture for prevention of injuries as well!
- Proper muscle integration occurs since bones and joints are in proper alignment!!
- Reduction in joint wear and tear!
- Decreased stress on the ligaments holding the joints of the spine together!
- Prevents the spine from being fixed in abnormal positions!
- Less energy is expended because the muscles are being used more efficiently!
- Prevents Strain!
- Prevents Backache and Muscular Pain!
- Body weight is positioned over the feet at all times allowing for maximum power into the ground.
- Weight is over the feet at all times allowing for better hip rotation and consequently better and more precise lateral movement. Note: Both the above are critical for skilled performance movements, and even more important for the non - gifted
- Band neck exercises for forward head - flexion-extension -side to side - rotation spiral - head chin forward and back Note: This should help strength and flexibility for better posture of the head ( a 12-15 lb weight) which can greatly affect your movement, efficiency and safety
- Band Exercises for elevated shoulder - very common - single arm shrugs Note: Concentrate on the traps and the serratus muscles
- Band Exercises for rounded shoulders - retraction and reverse retraction - lat rows middle and low Note: One of the most common posture issues with those who bench too much and incorrectly form bad posture.
- Band Exercises for Hunch Back - Deadlift Note: the previous exercises help with this issue as well
- Band exercises for anterior pelvic tilt-glute bridges Note: great way to strengthen the lower posterior chain
- Band exercises for pigeon toes, and duck toes - squats or deadlifts from toes in - toes out - toes straight ahead
Coaching Points for Posture + Positioning for Performance
- Posture is one of the most neglected areas of strength training - "emphasis to the extreme will get the dream" Note: Talking about it will not do it. Buddy Morris, a well known Strength Coach, once said that for every bad habit, it takes 5000 good reps to change the habit
- Posture pics are worth a thousand words. Use your cell phone camera to make the point as you move through the weight room coaching them up!Note: Pics Benching - Pics Pulling ( one of the worst things we all do)
- Posture maintained with movement is what we need to focus on for the athlete Note: Functional posture is the key to great movement
- Posture or any bad habit needs to be over-emphasized in all ways possible. Don't tell them what NOT to do. Tell them how and why to do it right! Note: Constant Reminders during drills, during exercise, during walking, during sitting will eventually sink in! Great coaching creates great habits!